
Derek Sabry

As we are a country slowly recover from this recession, it is important that we strengthen those values which are most important to us, especially when considering health care. With some recent failures in our sector, such as the E-health embarrassment, which Ontario feels should be put aside for the time being, we need to continue strong. 

One of the main issues in health care today is the shortage of doctors in Ontario. Too many are following the money, and moving to the United States. Several things must be done so that not only do we have less doctors leaving Ontario, but more people are coming into the industry to begin with. One of the things which must be put in place is to increase the medical school enrolment. This will allow more university graduates to continue down this path. On top of that, some universities can expand to accommodate a new medical school altogether, which can take students directly from the health sciences program there. As it stands, several barriers still remain for foreign doctors wishing to practice in Ontario. For almost anyone outside of Canada or the US, extensive training is given to those foreign doctors, training they’ve usually already gotten. This should be removed altogether, and instead only a written exam should be required. This will make the prospect of moving to Canada more inviting to foreign doctors. Finally, the incentives for doctors to practice in underserviced areas are simply not enough. With increased funding from the government, greater incentives can be put in place.

Another hot topic in the media today is the Swine Flu epidemic. Although precautions being taken are good as a whole, the media has taken a small issue and blown it to an epic proportion. Those at risk, especially children, children with disabilities, and those with diabetes or other pre-existing conditions, are better off to have the shot, however this frantic grab by the general public is entirely unnecessary. Every single death in Canada was due to a pre-existing condition. Canada’s investment in any more vaccinations would be unneeded and a waste of taxpayer dollars. Another issue in Canada is that all hand sanitizers have been removed from Native Canadian schools for fear of the children drinking it as alcohol. There is a simple but overlooked solution to this; non-alcohol based hand sanitizers. They are arguably just as effective as their alcohol-based counterparts, but without the temptation to drink them. They work just as well and are just as easy to apply, and their difference in cost is negligible.

Ontario is prepared to work with the other delegates to make these proposals a reality, and this conference a success.